Courses & Classes


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Course Duration: 8 weeks plus one morning of practice
Cost: Course Dependent - Get in Touch for Details

When & Where: Thursday mornings starting 11th May 2023 from 10.00am-12midday; including a morning of silent practice on Sunday 25th June at Cobo Community Centre, Le Guet, Castel.

The MBSR programme offers the chance to learn meditation and mindfulness techniques in a group setting. I will guide you through the meditations and techniques and we will explore some of the many ways mindfulness can help to reduce stress, and its related effects.

The programme can help you learn to:

• Fully inhabit that space which lies between action and reaction
• Cultivate a healthy relationship to all of your experience, whether good, bad or indifferent
• Increase your emotional intelligence
• Create opportunities for periods of calmness and ease, even in the midst of chaos



The Present

Course Duration: 8 Weeks
Cost: £160.00
Venue: Styx Centre, Route de Longfrie, St Peter’s, Guernsey

“The Present is a new style of eight-week course to introduce mindfulness and well-being to adults. The course focuses on encouraging friendly, mindful awareness towards experience in the midst of busy lives.

The programme supports exploration, discovery and friendly awareness of how things are for each person in their life, introducing how a variety of mindfulness practices can be chosen to support well-being.” - Sarah Silverton, co-author of “The Presentcurriculum.

For more information please click here.



Monthly Meditation Drop-In Sessions

Cost: £5.00 per session or £25.00 for a 6-session block
Venue: Cobo Community Centre (upstairs), Castel, Guernsey

Held on the last Sunday of every month from 6.30-7.30pm. This is an opportunity to come together with others who are interested in meditation and mindfulness. Giving space for us to meditate together, re-energise and set our intentions in readiness for the week ahead.