With mindfulness we can begin to reclaim those opportunities to just stop, and begin to appreciate and notice what is going on around us – right here, right now.
When there is beauty and joy on our doorstep, who doesn’t want a piece of that? And even in those times when what’s here right now isn’t fun or pleasurable, it’s often better to see our experience for what it is, rather than following the well-worn paths of the mind. We can begin to explore ways of meeting our experience with an awareness that allows space for a mindful response, rather than a reaction which arises from a place of fear, irritation or anger, so often brought about by cumulative stress.
For me, living a life more mindfully is like always having a life jacket on. When I start to feel like all that busyness is getting too much, I know I have the kit to keep me afloat.
These are some of the reasons why I’m passionate about mindfulness and I’d love to share some of that passion with you. So, if you’d like to find out more about any of the courses Mindful Isles offers or you’d just like to have a chat about mindfulness, get in touch.